

A group of troubled teenagers in search of fun stumble onto a nightmare that begins to target them directly. Unable to accept the tragedy that befalls them, the group sets out to uncover the truth. What they find is far worse than they could have ever expected.

  • 1. Butter (D1)
    I remember the first time I watched AP play ball. It was like watching a hummingbird gracefully absorb all the nutrients a flower has to offer. …
  • 2. Butter (D1)
    I couldn’t think about anything other than playing ball after school, hell, I don’t even remember going to class after that. Might as well have ditched …
  • 3. Butter (D1)
    As soon as I got home, my aunt was waiting by the door, belt in hand. I could hear the TV in the other room, letting …
  • 4. Butter (D1)
    Breaking into that house was one of the most nerve wracking things I’ve ever done. There were way too many people by the park so we …
  • 5. Butter (D1)
    For the next couple of weeks it was smooth sailing. Every morning around the same time, the crew would come knocking at my window and I’d …
  • 6. Butter (D1)
    I don’t know why they decided to let me out of the room. Maybe a sense of guilt or some fucked up way of taking me …
  • 7. Butter (D1)
    They were claiming he had been high out of his mind, so far gone that he had killed his mom, but not just killed her, torn …
  • 8. Butter (D1)
    Figuring the front door too unlikely a place for the police to leave unlocked, we dashed straight over the side gate and checked the rear windows. …
  • 9. Butter (D1)
    AP went home eventually, we both did. I climbed into my room and stared at the ceiling, reimagining everything that had happened. Rerunning the events over …
  • 10. Butter (D1)
    I slept like shit that night. Worse than all the previous nights. There’s something about knowing that you’re being hunted, being teased about being the next …
  • 11. Butter (D1)
    We stood some distance from the station, watching it. I had expected it to be bigger, tons of guards everywhere, prepared against any onslaught of criminal …
  • 12. Butter (D1)
    I turned and ran off toward the side of the building where no one from the station would see me coming. I swallowed down my nerves …
  • 13. Butter (D1)
    We continued on our way toward the house. Turns out everyone was full of questions, Benny most of all. He was like a mad man, firing …
  • 14. Butter (D1)
    The house was just a front.  Beneath the old, dilapidated building was a massive, state-of-the-art lab. I don’t mean like clear walls, white coats type lab. …
  • 15. Butter (D1)
    AP and I took lead. I stormed through toward the front door as quickly as I could. As I breached the opening and reached out for …