About Mark

Mark’s journey began with a healthy obsession with movies. Through most of his life, he believed he wanted to make movies but after attending film school at CSULB, he immediately realized that what had kept him so captivated by films was the seed they had sprouted from.


He loves writing short stories for adults or longer works as a hobby and would love to be able to share it with anyone who is willing to read. He enjoys writing comedy, sci-fi, and horror most but will never shy from trying something new.

As his trade, he co-owns Westland Auto Sales with his brother as well as Stellar REI, a real estate holding company. His favorite pastimes, however, are playing video games, watching shows and movies, reading, and being with his family.

He currently lives in the Central Valley of California with his gorgeous and amazing wife, Rachael, and their two sons, Elmer, a boxer puppy who had the most adorable underbite and massive tongue he couldn’t control (he recently lost his battle to cancer but lives on in their hearts and waits for them in the stars), Spartacus (sometimes known as BD), a yorkie-poo with the looks of the most attractive of Ewoks, and two daughters, Nova, the feistiest and most cuddly boxer pup, and Clementine, the most chubby boxer pup full of rolls and obsessed with food.

Let’s write something together.