Month: May 2021

8. Butter (D1)

Figuring the front door too unlikely a place for the police to leave unlocked, we dashed straight over the side gate and checked the rear windows. One of the neighbors dogs must have caught wind of us, fuckin’ dog started going off like a maniac. I had already been on edge, now.  We stood still, …

7. Butter (D1)

They were claiming he had been high out of his mind, so far gone that he had killed his mom, but not just killed her, torn her apart in her room as she slept as if the devil had possessed him. The detectives were claiming that they had found him trying to break into a …

6. Butter (D1)

I don’t know why they decided to let me out of the room. Maybe a sense of guilt or some fucked up way of taking me through the ups and downs of a classic abusive relationship. Probably trying to turn me into a battered woman. *chuckle* I don’t know and I’m glad I don’t. What …

5. Butter (D1)

For the next couple of weeks it was smooth sailing. Every morning around the same time, the crew would come knocking at my window and I’d sneak out with them. They’d always be real careful to keep the noise down, just in case my aunt and uncle were still home.  We would clear our and …

4. Butter (D1)

Breaking into that house was one of the most nerve wracking things I’ve ever done. There were way too many people by the park so we went around and hopped over the fences of all the houses leading up to it. If anyone had been watching, we would have looked like we were going from …

3. Butter (D1)

As soon as I got home, my aunt was waiting by the door, belt in hand. I could hear the TV in the other room, letting me know my uncle was home too. “You know how long I’ve been sitting here?” she said, snapping the belt loud. I looked down at the floor and said, …